Hello everyone, welcome to LA Fishing Alliance. We are a tackle shop located in the heart of beautiful San Pedro, California. Here at LA Fishing Alliance, we are dedicated to helping all levels of anglers. We do it all from fresh to salt. With over 30 years of experience of fishing our local waters and more, we would love to show you some new tricks and tips to get you on the bite. We do everything from Apparel, Rod Building, Reel Repairs, Tournaments and season kickoff vendor events. We stay on top of the bite with hands on experience fishing everything from our local ponds to local islands and more. So, with that being said, if your style is fresh or salt, we here at LA Fishing Alliance have something for you. With our love and passion for fishing we decided to open a tackle shop here in our hometown of San Pedro, Ca February 2020 and make it our headquarters for our clothing brand, Liquid Assassins. The brand was created in 2015 and is now one of the most established names in the fishing community. Our address is 389 W. 6th St. San Pedro, CA 90731. Our contact and email information are (424) 264-5007 / Lafishingalliance@gmail.com
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or come on down to our shop! Our friendly, knowledgeable staff would love to help point you in the right direction to give you the best possible experience in the shop and on the water.
Tight lines everyone and again welcome to La Fishing Alliance.